An Anatomy of Behavioral Economics


A proposal for Behavioral Economics (descriptive theory) based on Traditional Microeconomics (normative theory).

(click on the brain area)

Aplicações Pressupostos Básicos Anomalias "Velha" EC "Nova" EC Métodos


A EC tem sido amplamente aplicada a diversas áreas como saúde, educação, finanças, direito, políticas públicas e meio ambiente.

Basic Assumptions

Faced with traditional assumptions, which generate predictions and expected behaviors, BE supports bounded rationality, bounded self-interest, and bounded willpower.


X-Efficiency (1966);
Winner's curse (1971);
Calendar Effects on Finance (1976);
Cooperation (1981);
Intertemporal choice and many others.

"Old" BE

First confrontations with anomalies – the “Old” Behavioral Economics of George Katona, Tibor Scitovsky and Herbert Simon.

"New" BE

Facing anomalies nowadays – the “New” Behavioral Economics by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, Richard Thaler.


In addition to various theoretical works, many originating from insightful observation of reality, controlled experiments, natural experiments, surveys, computer simulation, econometrics and machine learning are used.
